A healthy, well-positioned tree can be a beautiful feature on your property. However, for one of several reasons, some trees call for removal. You may find it an undesirable species, a danger to the surroundings, or an obstruction to your landscape design. If you face such a predicament, seek a professional tree removal service to safely remove trees.
Northern Virginia Landscaping can provide professional tree removal services in Purcellville, VA. We are a full-service team that serves residential and commercial parties with landscape design, hardscaping, drainage, and grading services. Our team is certified by the National Green Infrastructure Program, which means that we embrace eco-friendly landscaping solutions. Contact us today at (703)-783-4778 to find out more!
Below, we describe circumstances that may compel tree removal:
It’s An Undesirable Species
Many property owners dislike trees that drop a lot of debris, including Red Oaks, Sweetgums, and Ginko Bilobas. Their detritus interrupts lawn growth, causing a great deal of frustration.
Other tree species are susceptible to disease or an invasive species—either of which makes them undesirable. Common Northern Virginia species that fit these categories include the Lombardy Poplar, Bradford Pear, and Norway Maple.
Yet arborists at Northern Virginia Landscaping can remove undesirable tree species from your landscape and replace them with better options. We can even help you choose a tree species that suits your landscape.
It’s Dangerous to Surroundings
Trees with weak trunks or limbs endanger their surroundings. A breaking trunk or limb can hurt people or damage vehicles and houses. During a storm, even healthy trees can fall and harm nearby objects. Therefore, you should have trees that pose such dangers removed.
Trees can also become too large and threaten nearby driveways, sidewalks, or houses. Their limbs may drape too low or their roots push on foundations and concrete. Trees growing near power lines also pose a significant threat, as well as those that may obstruct the view of traffic.
It’s Dead or Dying
Dead or dying trees may fall without warning. Indeed, trees that are more than 25-50% diseased or damaged usually cannot be saved.
Large wounds and vertical cracks also indicate significant damage. If you are unsure whether your tree can survive, ask your local tree care service to inspect it.
It’s Obstructing Your Landscape Design
If you want a new landscape design, you may need to have trees removed. Ask your landscape designer whether they will remove obstructing trees for you or if you must seek an outside service provider.
Small- or medium-sized trees can be removed to offer space for fountains, patios, stairs, walls, or pools. Northern Virginia Landscaping recommends adding smoketrees, red dogwoods, star magnolias, and priariefire flowering crabapple trees to your softscape as replacements for small trees that obstruct your hardscape design.
If you have large trees on your property, you may want to consider having your softscape built around them to preserve their beauty. Your landscape architect can help you design the best yardscape for your property while taking tree selection and placement into consideration.
Northern Virginia Landscaping: Tree Removal Service in Purcellville, VA
Northern Virginia Landscaping provides complete tree removal services as part of our landscape design and installation. Our arborists can effectively address your tree care needs as part of your landscape project. We also offer custom work including mailboxes, pergolas, and bridges. As our clients enter the landscaping process, we help them visualize their project—which is why we draft their landscape in advance. Our goal is to create a unique landscape design that will meet your needs! For services in Purcellville, VA, contact us at (703)-783-4778.