5 Ways You Can Help Support Pollinators


May 22nd is the International Day for Biological Diversity! This moment offers a great opportunity to learn how you can support one of the most critical yet endangered segments of our biosphere: pollinators. Although pollinator conservation involves the whole world, each of us has the power to make a difference. For instance, you can encourage bees, butterflies, birds, and other pollinators to use your yard. Find out how by contacting Northern Virginia Landscaping for your next sustainable landscaping project.

A full-service landscaping company working in Fairfax, VA, NV Landscaping strives to raise the industry standard for landscape quality by integrating sustainability into our practices. Our team of expert landscapers is certified in horticulture, botany, biology, and arboriculture. Moreover, our company is certified by the National Green Infrastructure Certification Program. For more information on how we can create your eco-friendly dreamscape, contact us at (703) 982-0100.

Below, we outline five ways you can help support pollinators:

Plant Numerous Native Flowering Plants

To attract a variety of pollinators to your garden, choose native plants with flowers that come in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Native flowering plants that bloom at different times of the year ensure pollinators have year-round sources of food and shelter.

After choosing native flowering plants, have them planted in groups rather than individually so pollinators can locate nectar quickly. Also, plant them in the sun or semi-shade to encourage proper growth.

Furthermore, try to add native host plants, which provide food for caterpillars and thereby support the life cycle of butterflies and moths. Some folks find these plants unsightly, especially when chewed up by caterpillars, so consider planting them behind your flowering plants.

Reduce Pesticide Use

A simple way to support pollinators is to reduce your use of pesticides. These products include toxic chemicals that kill insects, plants, and animals. NV Landscaping urges all homeowners to reduce pesticide use and protect wildlife, including pollinators.

Reducing pesticide application involves following all requirements on their product labels, using them as a last resort, and applying them at night (when bees and other daytime pollinators are inactive).

Put Out Fresh Water

Pollinators need water like all other animals, so supply it for them. A birdbath, for instance, works well because it’s shallow enough for pollinators to avoid drowning. Alternatively, you might try a shallow dish with pebbles, sand, or gravel in it. Change the water daily to avoid unpleasant smells and bacterial growth.

Provide Shelter

Make your garden eco-friendly by resisting the urge to rake dead leaves and plant material in the fall. Dead leaves serve as a great food source for caterpillars and other beneficial insects. Leaves, downed tree limbs and logs, shrubs, and even bare ground provide nesting and sheltering sites for bees and other pollinators in the winter.

You might also provide an artificial shelter for bees by building a bee box, hotel, or bale. These structures give bees a place to lay eggs and raise their young in the winter.

Join Conservation Efforts in Your Community

You can support pollinators beyond your backyard by joining local conservation groups or efforts. Most communities offer plenty of opportunities to volunteer in environmental projects dealing with pollution, climate change, endangered species, and more. The more people who pitch in, the better off we all are!

Book Your Next Landscaping Project in Fairfax, VA


Northern Virginia Landscaping takes on eco-friendly landscaping projects for homeowners in and around Fairfax, VA. Our team of landscaping professionals is not only experienced in creating beautiful backyards but also alluring sites for pollinators. We believe beauty and sustainability can coexist in every backyard. For landscaping done the right way, contact Northern Virginia Landscaping at (703) 982-0100.

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