How Yard Grading Benefits Your Landscape

The current shift in seasons marks the beginning of an annual routine for many homeowners: gardening and landscaping. These folks add to and cultivate their outdoor features, which includes planting new greenery and investing in professional landscape maintenance. McLean, VA, residents, in particular, would benefit from yard grading service, which protects topsoil, corrects properties’ drainage, and improves irrigation.

To ensure that your outdoor spaces receive the best care possible, reach out to Northern Virginia Landscaping. Our expert team holds certifications in horticulture, botany, biology, and arboriculture. We distinguish ourselves in providing outstanding customer service as well as landscaping tips and recommendations. Along with landscape maintenance services, we offer softscape and hardscape design and installation. Find out why customers rave about our work by signing up for a consultation today.

Below, we outline several reasons why you should consider yard grading services this spring:

Perks of Grading Your Landscape

Improves drainage

If you own a home with any amount of outdoor space, consider how well water drains from it. Doing so constitutes more than an aesthetic consideration–drainage can affect your home and its inhabitants. Poor drainage leads to “swampy” yard conditions, which discourage plant growth and support mosquito colonies.

However, yard grading entails physically redistributing your landscape’s slope, which may include moving soil or creating terraces and retaining walls. Rather than simply leveling your yard, grading may adjust its slope to encourage proper drainage. Thus, it calls for professional expertise and equipment to pull off.

Protects your home’s foundations

An improperly-graded yard can lead to a leaky basement and–even worse–crumbling foundations. This arises when sitting water seeps into the ground and through cracks in basement walls. Moisture can also create new cracks or widen existing ones. This process undermines the stability of even the best-constructed homes.

Thus, it’s essential to grade your yard so that it does not collect runoff. A proper slope angle allows water to drain past your home, which a professional landscaping crew can create for you.

Reduces topsoil loss

While a lack of slope allows water to pool, too much slope causes it to wash topsoil from your landscape. This process removes important nutrients from the ground and prevents plants from growing in your yard. Also, on a larger scale, it diminishes the overall health of the ecosystem. Thus, hire a professional crew to ensure that your yard has an ideal slope.

Improves irrigation

Grass and other greenery die if they lack water, but they can suffocate under too much as well. Thus, proper grading and drainage ensure that your landscape receives the right amount of moisture for your plants. As a whole, your yard ends up a greener, healthier space. And strong, healthy grass prevents weeds from moving in.

Increases available landscaping space

Best of all, well-maintained grading maximizes your yard space for landscaping. While ungraded land may contain dead patches or unusable spaces, a slope keeps everything running smoothly. Want a larger garden? Or an expansive stretch of verdant grass? You can choose when you have ample room for both!

Professional Landscape Maintenance Services Available Now in McLean, VA

So, ensure that you adjust all the essential elements of your landscape this spring by reaching out to Northern Virginia Landscaping. Our professional landscape maintenance provides invaluable services to your outdoor spaces, most notably yard grading. We also offer excellent softscape and hardscape design and installation to folks throughout McLean, VA. Trust the best-qualified and highest-rated landscaping contractor in the area. Call us today at (703) 982-0100 or fill out our online form.

Build The Yard You've Always Wanted

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