4 Trees Perfect for Small Front-Yard Landscapes


A primary facet of every landscape are the number of trees standing within them, especially for residents in Virginia. Several of them, wisely placed in your yard, can create a bold, impressive landscape, especially within your front-yard. At Northern Virginia Landscaping, our team has helped plant trees, shrubs, bushes, and numerous other plants, in an effort to create amazing front yard landscaping arrangements for residents throughout Oakton, VA. Paired with our services in constructing hardscapes such as patios, decks, and gazebos, we can help you transform your outdoor space into a natural wonder.

Below, we suggest a few trees that are subtle, but remarkable additions to a small front-yard landscape:

Cotinus Coggygria 

Also known as “smoketrees”, this exotic species is a flourishing attraction in any home landscape, especially when it reaches full maturity. The smoketree gets its name from its appearance at a distance, similar to a cloud of smoke expanding in the air, but with a twist of colors according to the season.

From spring to late summer, it features a pink hue, with variations in shades over time. In the fall, like many other trees, its color changes to beautiful shades of red, yellow, and purple. A smoketree can make for a visually-pleasing element at the center of an arrangement of shrubs in your front-yard, or simply displayed on its own.

Cornus Florida Var. Rubra

Cornus florida var. rubra, better known as “the red dogwood,” is another compact tree that grows almost anywhere and provides a beautiful contrast to the abundance of green found across the Virginian landscape. Particularly in the spring, the red dogwood blooms an abundance of bright red bracts, and at its fullest length, grows into a rounded shape. Utilizing its shape and contrast to its fullest extent allows for an extensive number of unique landscape designs, such as surrounding it with an arrangement of Virginia bluebells.

Magnolia Stellata 

Magnolia stellata, or “the Star Magnolia,” is also a distinguished species found in many well-tended gardens and landscapes, particularly on the East Coast, as the annual climate is similar to the UK, where it originates.

Blooming from late February to April, a star magnolia tree grows a number of snowy white flowers that brightens any landscape, and it also contrasts well with the lush green surrounding it. It can be trained to grow as either a shrub or a small tree, so you can place your star magnolia as a single specimen next to your walkway, or alongside several bushes and shrubs closer to your home to create an aesthetic foundation plant arrangement.

Malus ‘Prairifire’

The Prairifire Flowering Crabapple tree is among the most profound and beautiful trees for homeowners seeking year-round beauty in their landscapes. In the spring, its abundance of flowers grow in hues from shiny maroons to purplish-red, then in the summer, they grow dark green leaves with purple-red veins. In the fall season, they finally turn into a bold shade of bronze.

Additionally, the prairifire tree is also disease-resistant and self-fertile, making it not only a year-round source of beauty in your garden, but also a long-lasting feature that requires little maintenance.

Stunning Front-Yard Landscaping Design in Oakton, VA

While the trees above act as a basis for your plant arrangements, there may be aspects you have in mind for your front-yard landscaping project that requires extensive labor and experience. With Northern Virginia Landscaping, our experts help numerous residents of Oakton, VA, create designs that closely match their vision, and provide the knowledge and skill required to complete it. Furthermore, our years of business with landscaping suppliers have ensured they received materials of the highest-quality at affordable rates.

Contact us at (703) 982-0100 or fill out our form to begin your front yard landscaping project today!

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