Sustainable Backyard Landscape Design Tips

Updating your landscape into one that’s more environmentally-friendly  is a trending backyard landscaping feature that’s growing in popularity. More people are becoming conscious about their home improvement decisions to better their way of life rather than compromise it and the surrounding environment.

While there are a variety of ways you can recreate your landscape into one that’s sustainable, working together with a professional backyard landscaping team will ensure your yard is truly efficient and conserves our environment’s natural resources. At Northern Virginia Landscaping, our experienced team has dedicated many years to providing residents and businesses throughout Middleberg, VA  with a sustainable landscape.  Our services will give you peace of mind and you’ll know you’re doing your part in reducing your carbon footprint on the environment. Here are a few tips to help you create a sustainable backyard landscape:

Permeable Pavers

Permeable paver surfaces, also known as permeable interlocking concrete pavements (PICP), are effective stormwater management systems that support sustainable landscapes. These surfaces help eliminate excess standing water, improve safety, and also carry away pollutants, preventing them from harming our ecosystem.

Permeable Paver

Permeable pavers are incredibly durable and allow excess water to runoff their surface and the  spaces in between, which helps filter out pollutants in the water while reducing potential hazards for you, your family, and guests.

Rain Barrels

Rain Barrel

Loudoun County, VA, encourages residents to take part in their clean water initiative at home by adding a rain barrel to their yard. They are a great way to conserve water by collecting rain from  gutters and downspouts for use at any time, and they are one of the best steps to take toward minimizing your impact on the environment.

Wildflower Meadows & Native Plants

Wildflowers and native plants can help you contribute a better environment not only for you and your family but to the wildlife around you. Normally, fertilizers and pesticides are applied to our lawns, which is known to contaminate our nearby water systems, but with native plants you won’t need to apply these since they have greater soil capacity that helps conserve water and saves you more on energy costs.

Blooming Blossom

While planting a variety of native plants and wildflowers to your landscape may be time-consuming,  you’ll  gain more value after making the change. Our team at Northern Virginia Landscaping would be happy to help you get it done quickly and efficiently!

Pollinator-Friendly Plants

Bee Pollinating Flower

In addition to incorporating wildflowers and native plants in your landscape, consider including pollinator-friendly plants as well. These plants will help attract and further support wildlife and the pollinators, including birds, bees, moths and butterflies, by providing them with the food sources they need to survive.

Unique Backyard Landscaping Services for Residents in Middleburg, VA!

With the tips above, updating your green space can be easy with the help of experienced backyard landscaping experts, like at Northern Virginia Landscaping. Our team is committed to helping you get the most out of your green space while ensuring you  reap the many mental benefits that come along with it. We’ve helped a number of Middleburg, VA residents transform their landscapes into the most sustainable areas of their homes, which in turn paves the way to a better and more sustainable future for us all.

Call our backyard landscaping team at (703) 982-0100 or fill out our form to see how we can assist you today!

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